Discernment Resources

A lot of change is challenging. We’re often tempted to take our stresses, anxieties, fears, and sense of chaos and avoid them. We burry them. We ignore them. We put lots of anger and resentment towards others around us. You’re invited, by the Spirit of God to bring these emotions to God and to one another. Below you’re going to find a guide to personal reflection and a guide for processing in your DNA group.

In the coming week more resources will be given to continue discernment in MCs, especially with the MC retreats coming up the weekend of February 16-19.

Personal Reflection

Create space to be quiet before the Lord. To be still and to bring these feelings to God.

PAUSE: Be silent in God’s presence for a few minutes then use these question to pray.

REFLECT: Where have I seen Christ’s love this week, since I heard the news? Praise God.

ASK: What are you anxious about…speak those thoughts before God in prayer? Ask God to bring those things to mind.

What are you afraid of? What desires are swelling up within you? What griefs are you noticing? 

YIELD: What is God saying to you in this moment? What are you called to do? How are you called to display God’s love to others?

DNA Week


Read: Psalm 37:1-7

Q: What does trust look like? How does God guide us?


Q: How are you doing with the announcement this past week that Brad will be stepping down as the pastor this summer? (try to use feeling words)

Q: Have you ever experienced a leader or significant person in your life leave that before? Or a time of uncertainty? 

Q: How has God met you in those past seasons? How do you expect him to meet you in the upcoming season? 


We’re in a season of asking for the Spirit to lead us into what is next. The elders and leadership team are fasting and praying. We know the future will look very different. We also know the Lord has good things for his people and each one of you. 

We are discerning next steps for the future of this specific church. Please spend 10-15 minutes praying together for guidance and direction.