Head Rhythms


Stretching our Brains

Intentional practices that renew your mind and increase your thoughts about God and his ways.

Study Scripture

We yield our minds and intellect to God through the study of his word. We’ve created this helpful resource a template to give structure to reading and studying the Bible.

Read Books

Pursue truth and knowledge about God, his world, and his plans. Here’s a list of great books on theology, ancient biblical culture, doctrines, and issues of our time that would be stretching for the mind but are also approachable. Doesn’t even have to come from the religion section of the bookstore. Read on any number of topics.

Memorize Scripture 

Another way we commit our minds to God is through committing his words to me memory, we’re literally taking up space within our brains for God’s words—etched into the wrinkles and synapses of our brains. Then, throughout life, these words are brought to mind to encourage others, clarify truth to ourselves, and be a source of light throughout our lives.


Reading isn’t for everyone, there’s also a tremendous amount of accessible podcasts on theology, the gospel, and the Bible that stretch our minds and help us grow in the knowledge of of God. Here’s a list of recommended podcasts.

Take a Class

Seminaries and Universities are now offering online classes specifically for the everyday person. We will also offer classes through City Seminary.