DNA Guide: Sending & Psalm 96

These guides are designed to help DNA groups engage the Scriptures from the sermon on Sunday and deepen conversations and growth around the gospel. If you missed this sermon, you can listen here as a primer for your DNA time.


Worship does not end when we leave a worship service. A clear call to discipleship reminds us that our worship continues through obedient and grateful living. Having come together to meet God as the children of God, we go out with the mandate to promote God’s rule in the world as missionary servants. The call to discipleship should convey two important convictions: that we live in faithful service not so that God will love us, but because God has loved us first AND that we live by the power of the Spirit and thus do not need to rely on our own strength. Worship sends us on mission. Mission exists because worship doesn’t. Mission is inviting the world to see Jesus as king and to enter his kingdom with praise.

Read Psalm 96 out loud


What is this Psalm saying? How would you put it into your own words?


In this Psalm, how does worship and praise send the people on mission? Why do they sing these words to the people around them? Even their hope for creation?

How does who and what worship impact what we talk about?


What could it look like to see your praise of God transform the mission God has called you to?

How can you allow what God is doing in you to be shared through you?

Pray together