Praying the Lord's Prayer: Temptation

Praying the Lord's Prayer: Temptation

Over the last week, these devotionals have pressed into prayer as something done under the Fatherhood of God, prayer as a longing for His kingdom and will on Earth, and prayer as the humbling act of depending on God for everything we have and need. Today, we’re look at the lines: lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil

Praying the Lord's Prayer: Provision

Praying the Lord's Prayer: Provision

As we look again at the Lords prayer I want to focus on vs 11 and another area that our hearts need to be reminded of and re aligned to the truth of the gospel as we pray. Vs 11 Give us today our daily bread. There are two aspects or heart reminders that I want us to reflect on today. The first is more obvious than the second, and it is probably what comes to your mind first when you read this verse. That is the idea of God providing for your physical needs, food, housing, job, etc.

Praying the Lord's Prayer: Kingdom Come

Praying the Lord's Prayer: Kingdom Come

Today we are going to focus on vs 10, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. In many ways this is a prayer of submission, it is a kingdom minded prayer. In Matthew 6 God says “Where your treasure is that is where your heart will be also” . We discussed in the first devotional that prayer is a realignment of our hearts with God’s heart.

Praying the Lord's Prayer: Father

Praying the Lord's Prayer: Father

Family one of the areas we cast vision for growth in this year was prayer. As we enter into this new uncertain season as a church and world we have a great opportunity to not just cry out in fear for help but to build a deep relationship with our Dad who not only loves us but actually has the power to heal this world.