Learning to Read the Bible Together

“We do not read the Bible simply to fill our minds, but to change our hearts. We do not read the Bible simply to be informed, but to be conformed to the image of Jesus. We read the Bible to stir our affections: our fear, our hope, our love, our desire, our confidence. We read it until our heart cries out, ‘The Lord is good!' Tim Chester, Everyday Church

The Gospel Isn't a Cul-de-Sac

The Gospel Isn't a Cul-de-Sac

The gospel changes everything. It is not only good news for us, but also for our neighbors, the poor, our city, and the world. It affects the social, cultural, and physical fabric of the universe. In Luke 4, Jesus preached the gospel to the poor, marginalized, and oppressed. It is good news for them because through his death and resurrection he has defeated sin, death, and evil (1 Jn. 2:133:8). The gospel announces the in-breaking reign of Jesus, which is in the process of reversing the order of things. The poor become rich, the captives are freed, and the old become new.

DNA Guide: Restoration & Psalm 126

These guides are designed to help DNA groups engage the Scriptures from the sermon on Sunday and deepen conversations and growth around the gospel. If you missed this sermon, you can listen here as a primer for your DNA time.


Thanksgiving is an element of our worship gathering (and the narrative of the gospel) when we praise and offer thanksgiving for all the work God has done to redeem and restore all things, including us. In many ways, this part of the gathering represents a foretaste of the kingdom of God; when we will sing praise for eternity for all that the Father, Son, and Spirit has accomplished. In our scattered lives, we live in this reality as we notice the kingdom of God coming into our world and when we seek the coming of the kingdom of God in our world. The Lord Restores.

Read Psalm 126 out loud


What is this Psalm saying? How would you put it into your own words?


According to this Psalm, who is God? 

As you read this Psalm, what do you notice about the singers? What have they been through and what has God done?

How has God restored you? What areas of your life, community, and city do you long to see restoration?

How do we look for restoration apart from Jesus? What are those results like? 


How can we seek and notice Jesus’ restoration? 

Pray together

But, How Do We Love Our Neighbors?

But, How Do We Love Our Neighbors?

God’s mission is to make all things new: to redeem and restore the world. His mission is for all to hear, know, believe, repent, and be raised to abundant life. In God’s grace, he not only comes to save us, but sends us out to participate in this magnificent mission. God sets sin’s captives free and they use that freedom to point others to their rescuer. God welcomes orphans into his family as they to invite others into the family. God brings to life those dying from sin, to proclaim the good news of resurrection. God invites us, through the gospel, into this mission. Jesus commands us to love our neighbors and then sends us to towns, villages, and cities.

Missional Community is a Journey

Missional Community is a Journey

Missional community life is a journey, not a destination. We ask people to commit to the process. And that’s what it is. There isn’t an arrival. You can’t have been there, done that, and moved on. You’ll always be pushed forward, moving forward, giving, and calling others to go deeper. Each person participates in the pilgrimage to Christ and in Christ.

Proverbs in DNA: Money

This guide was created to facilitate a DNA group's dive into our sermon series on Proverbs and Trip Forgeng's sermon on money.


Read Proverbs 8:12, 18, 20 - 21

Q: Are you primarily a giver or a getter with your money?


Q: Do you believe God is a giver or a getter? Considering what you do with your money, how does that express what you believe about God?


Q: How could you, with you finances, tell the truth and build the fame of the greatest giver of all?  How can you show what God’s like as giver?


Turning inward toward your own heart and beliefs. This time is intended to be self-reflective examination and pursuit of God.

Read Proverbs 3:13-16:  “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold.  She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.  Long life is in her right hand; and in her left hand are riches and honor.”  

Ultimately, wisdom is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ because He is the wisdom of God. Wisdom is telling us: “Don’t chase after money! Chase after wisdom! Chase after Jesus!” Pursue the giver of every good gift and love Him so that with Him you get everything else as well.  

Spend time in prayer “chasing” after the person and work of Jesus Christ. Here are a few questions and prompts to aid you in this process. 

Pray thanksgiving prayers for how God is the greatest treasure. Think of every area of your life or thing you enjoy—God has given you that! Think of every relationship, provision, meal, lodging, job, promotion, and educational experience. God’s providence is found there. Praise God for his provision.

Pray confessing prayers. How have your treasured the things God gave you above God himself? How have you either abandoned work or made work your treasure? How have disregarded God’s provisions? How have you been a “getter”?

Pray for Forgiveness and enter Worship. Ask God for forgiveness for being a getter and rest in the good news that you are forgiven in Christ because of his work and you receive grace as his gift. Ask God to lead you into a life of wisdom with work and money.


In this section, we focus on living a life of obedience and faithfulness to the repentance and faith we’ve experienced. We desire to not only hear and learn about wisdom, but walk in it. 

This week we’re going to make a basic budget as a response to our learning. Follow the instructions in this downloadable guide to craft a budget in light of your learning.

Our budgets are planned worship and display who we trust and who we believe we are. Also, budgets are where we plan to be generous and receive God’s provision in work and in finances.