Missional Community Guide for Mark

During the next several weeks, we’ll complete our series on Mark and we want to invite communities to dedicate some time to reflecting on the passage taught on Sundays and speaking the truths of Jesus into the emotions, circumstances, and realities of life.

Connecting and Feelings Check-In

Be careful this time can get away from you. Try to limit to about 20 minutes. There will be time at the end to connect our worries and concerns to our hearts and lives after we look to Jesus. This is just a time to build awareness of what is going on in our lives. 

Q: Feelings Check-in: How are you? What worries, concerns, or struggles are you brining into this time?


Pray a short prayer asking the Spirit to meet you in this time. Then read the passage out loud.


Read the week’s read the passage of Mark

  • Mark 14:1-11 (3/29-4/4)

  • Mark 14:12-30 (4/5-4/9)

  • Mark 15 (4/10-Good Friday)

  • Mark 16 (4/12-4/18)


Give people time in silence to reflect on this passage. Consider setting a timer for 3-5 minutes to allow people to imagine themselves in the story, hearing the words, or as a bystander.

When the timer goes off, take time to discuss together.


What struck you? 

What do you see in Jesus? 

What do you see in his actions, character, motives, being? 

What do you see in those around him and how they responded? 

Where do you see yourself in this moment?


How does Jesus connect and speak into the struggles and concerns in your life (that you might have even shared earlier)? 

How does Jesus enter your story? 

How is Jesus challenging/encouraging/caring for your heart and the world in these words? 


What does it look like to trust and believe Jesus in light of this passage and conversation? 

What does living within the hope of Jesus look like?

What is the Spirit saying to you? 


Spend time praying for each other as we walk in faith.